Here's How You Can Clean Your Manky Makeup Sponges In The Microwave

Heard about the BeautyBlender microwave hack? Julianna added that you can even put the sponge back in the microwave for another minute to dry it out. You don't need to prepare soapy water at this stage for deep cleaning. Before whipping up his signature glam looks, Ortega likes to disinfect his tools with Beauty Blender's cult-favorite Liquid Blendercleanser.

Then, after getting the bacteria out, you still need to remove the makeup from it. You can clean your beauty sponge with any soap but the following have been shown to be the best ones; the beautyblender brand's very own solid cleanser and oil mixed with soap.

In this article, we'll talk about how to clean a beauty blender so that you get flawless make up every day without pesky skin problems. You don't actually need more than a gentle dish soap or shampoo to clean your Beautyblender (you can even use my makeup brush cleanser ), but avoid bar soap, bleach, or harsh cleaning agents.

Cleanser helps to remove stains and water resistant cosmetics from sponges and makeup brushes. When the Beautyblender hit the South African market a few years ago, our makeup routines were changed forever. Before we get into the right cleansing products for your brushes, you'll want to get best way to clean beauty sponge a handle on how to clean your brushes correctly.

Gently roll the sponge in clean, dry paper towels. If the idea of a cleaning session every Sunday is enough to make you want to bin sponges forever, don't panic. Makeup brushes allow the user to use various kinds of techniques, and this can help in reaching those areas that are hard to get.

Next, rinse your blender under running warm water while continuing to scrub it. Place the blender on your palm and use the fingers of your other hand to massage out the stains, absorbed makeup, and the cleansers from the blender. Another disadvantage of using a sponge is its capacity to waste about 50 percent of the makeup product as this can rapidly absorb the product.

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